Augustine Nilayam – India

We started the mission at Narasannapeta, Andhra Pradesh, in collaboration with the Claretian Missionary Fathers in the year 2006. Sr. Litdal Fabian, Sr.Nirmala A.C and Sr. Elizabeth Rani (Rajam), the pioneers of this mission were welcomed by Fr. Jose Kattathu CMF, the Superior of Claret Bhavan Community Narasannapeta. As the mission started in the field of Education, we collaborate by imparting the gospel values and moral values in the lives of the children in St. Claret school. We also pay more attention to the students with low proficiency in academics.

The sisters also actively participate in the parish Infant Jesus Church’s activities like singing, taking catechism , visiting the sick, making family visit, participating in the carols and preparing the adults for the sacrament of communion, confirmation and marriage.

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