Tagaste Nivas – India

In the year 1990, first house in India was purchased in Bangalore and the house was named as Tagaste Nivas, named after the birth place of St. Augustine, our patron saint. Tagaste Nivas became a Delegation house in the year 1996. It was also a study house for the Junior sisters. The sisters who lived here were involved in the pastoral activities, social work, teaching and studies.

The first Augustinian Lay fraternity group was started in Tagaste Nivas, on 4th December 2004.

In the year 2014, it became a Provincial house of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation. The provincial team, the student sisters, sisters who involved in teaching and social work resided here. On 23rd October 2020, Tagaste Nivas was converted into the Novitiate house.

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