St. Augustine – Wino – Tanzania

TANZANIA – WINO’S MISSION . Diocese of Songea – Foundation date: 05-22-1984

On May 22, 1984, the town of Wino officially received the sisters Carmen López, Angelita Velasco, Carmina Sánchez, Felicidad García and Ana Rosa Lázaro. People welcomed them with great joy

ST. AUGUSTINE NURSERY SCHOOL, for children between 3 and 7 years old, was the first educational activity that we began in Wino on October 24, 1984 (official date 01-04-1985).  We currently have five classrooms to accommodate the nearly 200 children who come to the nursery.

SANTA MONICA NURSERY SCHOOL of Wino began on 15 of the 1990 April and was officially opened on May 22 the same year. The School has capacity for 60 students.  

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