Mother Monica Illam – India

This community was started to respond to the invitation of the Claretian Missionary Fathers from Chennai Province to collaborate with them in their mission in Thiruninravur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The community was formed by four sisters, namely Sisters Sahaya Mary Lazar, Elsy, Pushpa and Shahila.

This community is collaborating in Education and Parish activities of the Claretian fathers more actively and with greater commitment and dedication. We give education to grow in human dignity and have peace and harmony with the planet and how to take care of our common home.

In the Parish, there are around 350 families. We visit the families. We also participate in BCC (Basic Christian Community), Liturgy group, Parish Council, Catechism, animating altar boys and ‘Yesivin kanmanigal’, Choir group and also participate to arrange and decorate altar and flowers. Also the community involves in all the pious activities of the parishners, especially praying Rosary with them and reciting 1000 beads rosary on every second Saturday of the month.