Community of Dar El Beïda – Argelia

The first community in Dar el beida- Algeria – was started in the year 1968 to 1969. The first pioneer sisters were Srs. Saviniana and Asuncion Gracia. The parish priest (Fr. Blankley) of at that time, who had been received the invitation from the Mayer of Dar el beida to begin a kinder garden school in the parish, and also work in the dispensary. The Augustinian Missionary sisters were invited from Blida –Algeria to come and begin the mission of starting a kindergarten school in Dar el beida. The Sisters have accepted the invitations and started the mission.

From that year on wards the mission of Dar el beida continues with the small children from 3 years to 6 years.

Now, we are four sisters, belong to the community of Dar el beida. (Sr. Monserrat, Sr. Almudena, Sr. Ruby and Sr. Sujatha). Sisters also work with Caritas Algeria.

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