Rita Illam community began officially in the land of Dharmapuri, in Tamil Nadu on 30th May 2007. The pioneer sisters were three – Sr. Theresa, Sr. Kulandai and Sr. Nalini.
On agreement basis the Salesians of Don Bosco requested the Augustinian Missionary Sisters to take care of the apostolic works at Don Bosco Mission, in Dharmapuri. ( to look after the social sector of the Mission (Vazhikaatti – career guidance and job placement, Surabi – Self Help Groups, Dropout prevention programme – Evening Study centres, Prison ministry, Gypsy Ministry and other social based programmes taken up by the mission). To teach in the Don Bosco College and to help out in the college office.
Later we on 28th of June we shifted our community from Senthilnagar, Dharmapuri to the new place near Palacode, IVDP Computer Academy, Hanum anthapuram, Dharmapuri Dt. With the same name as St. Rita Illam Community. Here we work with IVDP (Inter village Development programme), where we work with the school drop outs teaching them computer and english and help them with the job placement. The students are different in age and qualification (9th, 10th pass and fail, 12th pass and fail, degree, and diploma students).
We took up our mission as a educators along with parish activity (Liturgy, Catechism, Legion of Mary, animating the youth group. We too participate in Basic Christian Community (BCC) meetings and join for the Eucharistic Celebration.